Investment Calculator

Investment Opportunity Calculator

Instantly see your targeted returns by entering your investment amount below. The calculator also compares the estimated returns from a hypothetical investment with Goldenbee properties to an equivalent investment in an S&P 500 index fund (based on historical performance).

Enter investment amount

$50,000 (Minimum investment)

Investment comparison

Annual Average Return 2022
Goldenbee Investment Opportunity (Target Est.) Initial Investment $1,500,000 Total Return $1,950,000
Goldenbee Investment Opportunity (Average Est.) Initial Investment $1,500,000 Total Return $1,800,000
S&P 500 Initial Investment $1,500,000 Total Return $1,605,000
Goldenbee Investment Opportunity (Target Est.) Goldenbee Investment Opportunity (Average Est.) S&P 500
Initial Investment $1,507,000 $1,507,000 $1,507,000
Total Return $1,959,100 $1,808,400 $1,612,490

Total annual return increase with Goldenbee vs S&P500
